Tuesday, 27 December 2011

I'm Game

This Brief was all about designing a new board game. When approaching this brief I didn't have many ideas because I hadn't been faced with a task like this before of designing a new product. However when looking into what had been made and what had not it made me increase my knowledge of this part of design. The brief was fun and had no restrictions which was the positive to this.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Holiday Havoc

Well I wanted to be a bit different and hopefully I will never be doing this again :). I created a little studio in my house and used my photography gear to make it successful. The clothes were limited because my sister is tiny. Hope you enjoy laughing it was good fun in a weird way.

Monday, 19 December 2011

The Haymakers

Day one: The top image is a hdr image which is combined of five images. The reason for chosing this perticular location is because the variety of colours and tones involved furthermore how the reflections make such a difference to the final result.These photos were taken at 4 in the morning so I thought I might as well wait till the sunrise which was at 7:57 which is the second picture, thought I might just give you a chance to see what I get to from where I live.

 Day Two: This image was was created by using sparklers and many attempts. The main idea was to draw several words in the same picture however this was not possible due to it being over exposed because of the background and also the limited space the picture would frame. The reason for using sparklers was because I had used them before and knew camera settings for these. The main reason for having this background was to create a slight bokeh ( out of focused lights).

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Map Starting ideas

This is the progress of making my final Map. The reason to chose Film reel as a map is because of my personal interest in photography and how I wanted to connect both graphics and photography together. I have created three reels to seperate my life and be able to hopefully make it easier to understand and have a different layout to normal maps.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Skate Or Die (Only First Design )

I have created both these skateboards to simple increase my ideas for the particular brief but to also expand my imagination so I don't always design safely. The dragon was hand drawn and then scanned in, however I had to use the pen tool to recreate it, the background was made by using different transparencies and textures.


Skate Or Die (Only First Design )